Wednesday, January 12, 2011

hump molds

I had a brilliant idea today, being the impulsive person I am I had to immediately run out to hobby lobby to snatch up some plaster. I made some hump molds.

I'd guess these are 18-20 inches. I'll be using them for hand building platters. I also made a few small ones just for the heck of it. They are drying now and should be ready for use in a few days after they are good and dry.


Chi Kaleeswaran said...

Hi... I tried out the same with my mom's new glass dishes and the plaster is stuck! I did not use release agent for it was glass and assumed it would release on it's own. Do u have any idea how I can release the plaster without damaging the cast or the glass?

Denise H said...

Hi Chi, I would try taking something very thin and pliable to wedge between the 2 surfaces. I went looking around my kitchen for an idea for you and I'm thinking; you know the plastic containers that you get at the grocery store that hold cupcakes or cakes that are pre-made in the bakery section? You could try something like that plastic, make a long ruler type shape wedge it between the surfaces to break the air lock.

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